Q&A: “Can I Shrink Fibroids Naturally?”

Q: Can I shrink fibroids naturally? – Kim L.

A: Consider eating organic food as much as possible.

This is one of those natural methods that certainly can’t hurt – and it might actually end up helping your fibroids shrink.

Many non-organic foods contain added growth hormones, and some pesticides can contain hormones as well.

Since it’s possible that estrogen levels are connected to fibroids, avoiding synthetic hormones is a positive habit.

Make sure that the meat you buy is hormone free. This goes for dairy products as well.
Shop for produce and other food at local farmer’s markets and be sure to ask the seller whether the food is organic.

Eat more beans. Beans and other legumes are said to reduce the amount of estrogen in the body.

Try eating at least one serving a day of lima beans, peas, pinto beans, black beans, chickpeas or another type of bean that you like.

However, avoid eating soybeans and other non-fermented soy products, which contain high levels of estrogen.

Try using herbs and supplements to shrink fibroids. While there’s no scientific evidence that herbs and supplements definitely work, it’s

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